Tucann Swimwear

Samara Creative traveled all the way to the Island of Maui to record and finish this brand story package for Australian company, Tucann Swimwear.

Allard U.S.A: SmartFAB

Allard U.S.A came to Samara Creative for a brand story highlighting their new laboratory, SmartFAB that will create custom AFO’s (Ankle-foot orthoses) for their clients.

Refine, Consign, & Design Luxury Furniture Store

A product video created for a client who owns a beautiful store front and does business online. This video was created by Samara Creative with the goal to bring online clients into the store virtually.

Allard U.S.A: Support For Better Life Product

Eric Olsen: Samara Creative flew to Montana’s country side to record and interview Eric Olsen, a Allard U.S.A product user and professional biker.

Joe Hogan: Samara Creative flew to Los Angeles, California to spend the day with Joe Hogan, a CMT’er who wears a Allard U.S.A product. Together, we filmed an interview spreading some light on his disability and the benefit of Allard’s AFO. (This video has been shortened. Full version on Youtube)


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